



Hi ! I have pictures in a database and i want to read it out and display it as a picture. However i get strange long charakters as result.

my code:

* @version 1.0 $
* @package HelloWorld
* @copyright (C) 2010 BlaBlbb
* @license GNU/GPL

/** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
 // assemble query
$query = '
    SELECT *
    FROM artikel

if ( !$database->query() ) {
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>
} else {
$rows = $database->loadObjectList();
echo '<table>';
foreach ($rows as $rowi)

echo '<tr><td>'.$rowi->Artikelname.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$rowi->Stueckpreis.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$rowi->Gewicht.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$rowi->Lagerstand.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$rowi->Aenderungsdatum.'</td>';
echo '<td><img>'

echo '</table>';
<!--<h1>Hallo Welt</h1>
<p>Das ist ein Test</p>

any suggestions? i wanna have the image in the same file if possible... i am very new to joomla so i dont know how to use it with a second php that creates the picture...


You're seeing strange characters because you're just echoing the raw image data into the page. In order to serve an image, the browser must request it as a file from the server*.

This means that you need to either need to:

  1. write your image data to disk, then give the browser the URL to the file in the <img> tag, or
  2. you need to create a script that returns the proper Content-type header for the image type and echos the image data then give the browser the URL to the script in the <img> tag.

*: (Yes, there's data:, but that's not a suitable solution for most cases. Especially this one.)
