So I've got an .xcdatamodel with about a dozen Entities defined and related to each other, with attributes and so on. So far I've been trying this in to a GUI using NSTableViews to display/enter data, and NSArrayControllers that I instantiate for each entity. This is all working great. They all tie in to the App Delegate's Managed Object Context (MOC)
But now I'm trying to programmatically access the data in these arrays, and I'm finding it obtuse to do so. After a lot of reading it looks like what I should REALLY do is go to the MOC to fetch data for a given Entity. I haven't worked through this yet, but ok.
What I don't understand though, is how to use Core Data when I'm NOT entering via NSTableView etc, and NOT using NSArrayControllers. Like if I wanted to totally handle some of my .xcdatamodel Entities in my project's Model packages (that don't touch a GUI). Do I need to still instantiate an NSArrayController so that I can "prepare content" of an Entity and have it be managed and initialized and all that? Or is there another way I can tie in with the MOC directly and add/remove/get the data for a given Entity?
What I'm saying is that I'm really unclear as to how to work with things unless I'm doing simple case View <-> NSArrayController and then Model <-> MOC