Just started exploring Cocoa so pretty much a total noob.
I've written a very simple game. Set it up in Interface Builder and got it working fine.
It contains a number of buttons and I'm now trying to get the buttons to display images.
To start with I'm trying to get an image displayed on just one of the buttons which is called tile0 .
The image file (it's nothing but a green square at the moment, but I'm just trying to get that working before I attempt anything more exotic) is sitting in the same directory as the class file which controls the game.
I have the following code sitting in my wakeFromNib method:
NSString *myImageFileName = [[NSString alloc] init];
myImageFileName = @"greenImage.jpg";
NSImage *myImage = [[NSImage alloc] initByReferencingFile:myImageFileName];
[tile0 setImage: myImage];
Trouble is, the game runs fine, but the image isn't appearing on my button.
Is there someone who could kindly tell me if I'm doing something obviously wrong?
Many Thanks.