



Gentelmen, is there is any possibility to write photos in RAW format? I especially interested in com.cannon.cr2-raw-image UTI type.

CGImageDestinationCreateWithData returns <Error>: CGImageDestinationCreate type doesn't support writing for given UTI.

Can i install some additional codecs? May be some special library, even not CoreGraphis or any other ideas?

+1  A: 

You've misspelled the company's domain name. The company's name is “Canon”, like the religious or literary or musical term, not “cannon”, like the naval weapon. The correctly-spelled UTI is listed as natively supported.

Peter Hosey
Yep, sorry for this, i wrote by memory, it is: `` But it doesn't change anything, it is not supported for writing, this is why i'm asking for some other library/codec or solution. Printing supported types for writing:CFArrayRef types = CGImageDestinationCopyTypeIdentifiers();CFShow(types);shows on my mac following list:public.png, public.jpeg, com.compuserve.gif, public.jpeg-2000, public.tiff, com.adobe.photoshop-image, com.adobe.pdf,,, com.truevision.tga-image, com.sgi.sgi-image, com.ilm.openexr-image