



Hi, im working in a generic repository implementarion with EF v4, the repository must be resolved by Windsor Container.

First the interface

public interface IRepository<T> 
    void Add(T entity);        
    void Delete(T entity);
    T Find(int key)

Then a concrete class implements the interface

public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T: class 
    private IObjectSet<T> _objectSet; 

So i need _objectSet to do stuff like this in the previous class

    public void Add(T entity)


And now the problem, as you can see im using a EF interface like IObjectSet to do the work, but this type requires a constraint for the T generic type "where T: class".

That constrait is causing an exception when Windsor tries to resolve its concrete type. Windsor configuration look like this.

  <component id="LVRepository" service="Repository.Infraestructure.IRepository`1, Repository" 
              type="Repository.Infraestructure.Repository`1, Repository" lifestyle="transient">        

The container resolve code

IRepository<Product> productsRep =_container.Resolve<IRepository<Product>>();

Now the exception im gettin

System.ArgumentException: GenericArguments[0], 'T', on 'Repository.Infraestructure.Repository`1[T]' violates the constraint of type 'T'. ---> System.TypeLoadException: GenericArguments[0], 'T', on 'Repository.Infraestructure.Repository`1[T]' violates the constraint of type parameter 'T'.

If i remove the constraint in the concrete class and the depedency on IObjectSet (if i dont do it get a compile error) everything works FINE, so i dont think is a container issue, but IObjectSet is a MUST in the implementation.

Some help with this, please.