I have seen documentation on how to use the wallpaper package to put an image on the background, but I am looking for a simple solution to color the top 15% (or so) of a page in some color. How can I give part of the background of an output page a color with LaTeX?
Perhaps you can use PGF/TikZ to create such a colored bar at the top of your page?
Bart Kiers
2010-06-17 07:06:09
Looks interesting... would require me to figure out how to get it show up on every page...
Egon Willighagen
2010-06-17 07:26:27
@Egon: Did you look at the code/picture properly? Make sure you do so, and also follow the link there, and you won't really need to figure out anything. It is all there!
2010-06-17 08:55:53
Ah, OK. Just look at "{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]" and further?
Egon Willighagen
2010-06-17 11:05:14