



What is the closest Core Foundation function to the functionality of NSLog?

+1  A: 

NSLog is built on top of the Apple System Log facility. Run man 3 asl to see the man page for this. You can use asl directly, but unless there's a reason, you can just keep using NSLog. Just include and link to Foundation if you want to avoid linking to Cocoa.

You can also just print to stderr if you want.

+2  A: 

CFShow() is similar, but without the prefix stuff. Or, as wbyoung says, use NSLog(). If you don’t want to use Objective-C, the following is perfectly valid (although it requires linking against Foundation.framework):

#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void NSLog(CFStringRef format, ...);
void NSLogv(CFStringRef format, va_list args);
#if __cplusplus

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    NSLog(CFSTR("Hello, World! %u"), 42);
    return 0;
CFShow seems to be what I'm looking for, and thanks for the other suggestion too.