I'm having the following problem. Caught a list Struct, Serialize (Valid W3C) and send to a WebService. In the WebService I receive, transform to a string, valid by the W3C and then Deserializer, but when I try to run it, always occurs error, saying that some objects were not closed.
Any help?
Sent Code:
#region ListToXML
private XmlDocument ListToXMLDocument(object __Lista)
XmlDocument _ListToXMLDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlDocument _XMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
MemoryStream _StreamMem = new MemoryStream();
XmlSerializer _XMLSerial = new XmlSerializer(__Lista.GetType());
StreamWriter _StreamWriter = new StreamWriter(_StreamMem, Encoding.UTF8);
_XMLSerial.Serialize(_StreamWriter, __Lista);
_StreamMem.Position = 0;
if (_XMLDoc.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
_ListToXMLDocument = _XMLDoc;
catch (Exception __Excp)
new uException(__Excp).GerarLogErro(CtNomeBiblioteca);
return _ListToXMLDocument;
Receive Code:
#region XMLDocumentToTypedList
private List<T> XMLDocumentToTypedList<T>(string __XMLDocument)
List<T> _XMLDocumentToTypedList = new List<T>();
XmlSerializer _XMLSerial = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<T>));
MemoryStream _MemStream = new MemoryStream();
StreamWriter _StreamWriter = new StreamWriter(_MemStream, Encoding.UTF8);
_MemStream.Position = 0;
_XMLDocumentToTypedList = (List<T>)_XMLSerial.Deserialize(_MemStream);
return _XMLDocumentToTypedList;
catch (Exception _Ex)
new uException(_Ex).GerarLogErro(CtNomeBiblioteca);
throw _Ex;