




i have stream of images to make flv video. i can make video using those streams using ffmpeg but video is to be stream live simultaneously

i have already installed red5 for streaming .


I think this thread may be of help

It explains how to use ffmpeg and ffserver for live streaming while the converted video is generated. This works even for infinite streams.

when you stream your video using ffserver, you may want to set a reverse-proxy on your main webserver so that your users do not need to type a port number for the video.

ffmpeg can read from image sequences, use %d to represent the incrementing number. Just use the sequence as your input and the ffserver stream as your output

George Steel
i have installed red5.. i dont have video i have series of images which keeps on increasing
@nicky: `ffmpeg` can use a jpeg sequence as input. I have added that to my answer.
George Steel
but whenever i call this using %d to make video. images which is uploaede later are not included in that video and i cant append video in that video which is already playing..
If your image source supports it, you can have it frame the images in a MIME multipart stream and pass that to ffmpeg using a FIFO buffer (use `mkfifo`) That will stream continuously.
George Steel
didnt knew about mkfifo thanks .. looking into it.
@George Steel mkfifo is not working is there any alternative