



I write a MFC application and need a button which is not taling the input focus away from another window.

Removing the WS_TABSTOP style does unfortunately not help when the use clicks the button with the mouse. When i block WM_LBUTTONDOWN i don't get a visual pressed indication so this doesn't work either.


If there is a specific window you want to keep the focus, you could just force the focus back to your window using the CWnd::SetFocus() command in your button's OnLButtonDown handler.

If you want the focus restored to one of several windows, you could try subclassing CButton and trapping the CWnd::OnSetFocus() message which is sent when the keyboard focus changes to the button.

The OnSetFocus() event includes a CWnd of the control that just lost the focus, so you could manually put it back, either as part of the OnSetFocus() event itself, or later as part of the OnLButtonDown() handler again.

Pat Wallace