



I'm searching for a tool, ant-task, IDE plugin, ... which helps with I18N of a Java application using the standard message-properties resource bundles. Both open source and commercial solutions are welcome.

Specifically I'm searching for support in the following tasks:

1) Extract the used keys from Java-code, JSPs and other artifacts. Since custom frameworks are involved the extraction should allow customization.

Mapping of the source artifact to a certain message bundle. Also with custom rules.

Report used keys which are not in the bundle. Report keys which are in the bundle but in none of the source artifact which map to this bundle.

2) Check the property files of each bundle and report missing key definitions and also default translations (uses the English text).

3) Compare the current SVN/CVS/GIT/whatever version with an old version and report cases where one translation (or maybe only the default one) changed but not the other translation. covers 2) to a large part. However I didn't found something for 1) and 3). Any pointers?