



Our Hudson installation shows a very spartan version of the Selenium report:

Selenium Report Result
numTestPasses   2
numTestFailures 0

I've understood that it should be possible to view full reports via Hudson, and also track development of the tests. But how?


Not sure if this fits in your environment: I'm running selenium-rc via JUnit (and phpunit) test cases using ant in a Hudson freestyle Project. Hudson collects and publishes JUnit and via xUnit Plugin various other test results in an optional post build step.

Maybe you just need to find out where the build process stores the actual xml report and instruct hudson to publish it?

+1  A: 

We configured Hudson to run Selenium through an Ant task. Then we added a post-build action to "Publish JUnit test result report." With this setup we can see each failed test name along with how long each test took and the ability to drill down into all the tests to see specifics.

You may be able to just add that post build action to your project using the Selenium plugin.

Matt N

I run Selenium tests in Hudson using this plugin. It runs my Selenium tests and publishes detailed test reports. Very easy to configure, maybe not perfect if you have a lot of test suites to execute.

Luciano Fiandesio

We use the SeleniumHQ plugin. The results are saved in the workspace (this is done in the project config by using "Publish Selenium Report"). You can save the build reports by using "Archive the artifacts" in project config.


We have written the Selenium tests as normal JUnit tests, which gets executed with the rest of the tests, so the reports are embeded i the junit test report generated by hudson.
