Ok, one for the SO hive mind...
I have code which has - until today - run just fine on many systems and is deployed at many sites. It involves threads reading and writing data from a serial port.
Trying to check out a new device, my code was swamped with 995 ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED errors calling GetOverlappedResult after the ReadFile. Sometimes the read would work, othertimes I'd get this error. Just ignoring the error and retrying would - amazingly - work without dropping any data. No ClearCommError required.
Here's the snippet.
if (!ReadFile(handle,&c,1,&read, &olap))
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
throw Exception("ser_rx_char:ReadFile");
WaitForSingleObjectEx(r_event, INFINITE, true); // alertable, so, thread can be closed correctly.
if (GetOverlappedResult(handle,&olap,&read, TRUE) != 0)
if (read != 1)
throw Exception("ser_rx_char: no data");
logger().log(LOG_VERBOSE,"read char %d ( read = %d) ",c, read);
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (err != 995) //Filters our ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED
logger().log_api(LOG_ERROR,"ser_rx_char: GetOverlappedResult");
throw Exception("ser_rx_char:GetOverlappedResult");
My first guess is to blame the COM port driver, which I havent' used before (it's a RS422 port on a Blackmagic Decklink, FYI), but that feels like a cop-out.
Oh, and Vista SP1 Business 32-bit, for my sins.
Before I just put this down to "Someone else's problem", does anyone have any ideas of what might cause this?