Hello, I'm packing some classes into ptr_map with any typed value.
class EventManager
ptr_map<string, any> mSomeMap;
typedef signals2::signal<void (int someSignature)> KeyEvent;
mSomeMap["KeyPressed"] = new any(new KeyEvent());
Now I want to restore my signal object from any. Here is a special function for this:
template<typename EventType>
EventType *get(const string &signalName)
try {
return any_cast<EventType*>(mSomeMap[signalName]);
} catch(bad_any_cast &e){}
As you could remember, the boost's signals are noncopyable so I can store only pointers and my function should return pointers too.
Now sample usage:
Here I get segfault. I checked the types of each objects in the get function:
→ N5boost8signals26signalIFvRN2sf5Event8KeyEventEENS0_19optional_last_valueIvEEiSt4lessIiENS_8functionIS6_EENSB_IFvRKNS0_10connectionES5_EEENS0_5mutexEEE
→ N10__cxxabiv119__pointer_type_infoE
What's wrong is there? The segfault at line with casting. Any object should consist of inserted type or not? Why it doesn't want to cast.