I researched this quite a bit, but couldn't find a working example how to match nested html tags with attributes. I know it is possible to match balanced/nested innermost tags without attributes (for example a regex for and would be #<div\b[^>]*>(?:(?> [^<]+ ) |<(?!div\b[^>]*>))*?</div>
However, I would like to see a regex pattern that finds an html tag pair with attributes.
Example: It basically should match
<div class="aaa"> **<div class="aaa">** <div> <div> </div> **</div>** </div>
and not
<div class="aaa"> **<div class="aaa">** <div> <div> **</div>** </div> </div>
Anybody has some ideas?
For testing purposes we could use: http://www.lumadis.be/regex/test_regex.php
PS. Steven mentioned a solution in his blog (actually in a comment), but it doesn't work
$regex = '/<div\b[^>]+?\bid\s*=\s*"MyID"[^>]*>(?:((?:[^<]++|<(?!\/?div\b[^>]*>))+)|(<div\b[^>]*>(?>(?1)|(?2))*<\/div>))?<\/div>/i';