




I'm trying to use eclipse on Win 7, but for some reason it is screwing up my keys.

For example, when I press '{' it ends up displaying a '^'. Im pretty sure that this is what would happen if I had a french keyboard layout, but I'm pretty sure that my language settings in Windows 7 are set to use Canadian English. Firefox or notepad don't have a problem, so I guess that means it's eclipse.

Any idea how to fix it? Right now I'm just copying and pasting symbols lol.



If you had a french keyboard layout (which I have right now):

alt text

, there is no way a { would give you a ^.
That would be the same with a canadian english layout:

alt text

The only way would be for you type first the ^, since it is a combining character. Then another non-combining character like { would display both the caret and the curly bracket.

Eclipse shouldn't mess with your language setting, unless you are using certain plugin like CDT which has a Language mappings property:

alt text

Yup, it's exactly what the french mappings are.Shift + '[' should give me a '{' on my keyboard, but it's giving me the french equivalent '^'.I don't have any CDT plugins installed, either :(