
Fluent NHibernate one-one mapping through additional table

I have a table A that has a references to a table B through a third table C. C contains the primary key of A and B. For each A there is at most one record in C. When I try to create a mapping for A such that I am referencing B, I use the References function, but it does not allow me to specify that the mapping goes through another table ...

How can one identify the operation to perform in a servlet?

Hello! I am trying to follow this example but I can't understand this part: Imagine also that the servlet's context path is myServer/myApp/servlets. The servlet container would direct a request with URL myServer/myApp/ myServlet to myServlet, because the request URL matches the pattern *.do. Servlet myServlet can extract th...

Fluent NHibernate HasManyToMany() Mapping Problem

Hi, i am having a problem in Fluent NHibernate example utilizing the Many-to-Many relationships, i tried to find out examples on a similar case, and i found tons , but still having the same problem. when run the test project the following exception is thrown: NHibernate.PropertyAccessException: Exception occurred getter of project.Enti...

Map folder as part of build not working

As part of a build I want to add some workfolder mappings. I basically want to read the mappings from another build definition, and assign those to the current builds workspace (not the build definitions workspace template). I have tried to add this to several targets like afterclean with partial success. It downloads the sourcecode for ...

LINQ to NHibernate can't get to children's children

I have entity A which has an IList of B called Bs and B has an IList of C called Cs. I want to search for all A's which have at least 5 C's in them. So I went and wrote using (var s = this._sessionFactory.OpenSession()) { IQueryable<A> q = s.Linq<A>(); // some code... if (range.Min.HasValue) q = ...

NHibernate collection not loading with data, but data is inserted into database.

Hi, Not sure what I am doing incorrectly here with NHibernate. I have two mapping files mapped to two tables. I can insert data through the mapping into the database, but calling the below code returns 0, even though I can see a child row populated in the table with the correct foreign key. Is this a lazy loading issue? Thanks. var res...

How can I map one to one relationship in Fluent NHibernate. I have tried everything else

I have this table structure and would like to map it using Fluent Hibernate (subclass if possible). I cannot change the structure because the database has too many records and might cause major applications rework. It would be easier if the Id from Party table was a foreign key in person and organization table, but in the particular scen...

Hibernate Bi- Directional many to many mapping advice!

hi all, i woundered if anyone might be able to help me out. I am trying to work out what to google for (or any other ideas!!) basically i have a bidirectional many to many mapping between a user entity and a club entity (via a join table called userClubs) I now want to include a column in userClubs that represents the role so that when ...

validate linqtosql mapping to a model

I have generated a LinqtoSQL mapping xml file, which I have a valid XSD schema that I check to make sure the XML is correct. Now I want to check that the field type match the Model/Interface for example: checking that the nullable fields are nullable that int are int etc anyone got any ideas if I can do this? ...

Using Mapping Models to migrate between Core Data Object Models

I have a fairly simply schema. Essentially, Run <--> Data (where a Run holds a data, e.g., Temperature, sampled from some sort of sensor). Now, it seems that sensors can have more than one measurement (e.g., Temperature and Humidity). So, a single Run could have multiple data samples. Hence, Run <-->> Sample and Sample <--> Data. (And...

Eclipse key mappings confused

Hey, I'm trying to use eclipse on Win 7, but for some reason it is screwing up my keys. For example, when I press '{' it ends up displaying a '^'. Im pretty sure that this is what would happen if I had a french keyboard layout, but I'm pretty sure that my language settings in Windows 7 are set to use Canadian English. Firefox or notep...

How to remap <C> (control) modifier key in vim?

I avoid the "control" key, AKA <C> in vim parlance, on my laptop; I hate where Apple put it. I would really like to remap all of the vim commands using control to instead use "command", but this does not seem possible on a Mac, despite what I have read. I have read that I should use <Leader> to set such mappings, but I want to avoid rema...

nHibernate and Oracle Mapping Issue

I am using nHibernate with Oracle, using Oracle's ODP implementation. This is pretty much working but then I got this error: Unable to cast object of type 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection' to type 'System.Data.Common.DbCon...

NHibernate / Fluent NHibernate Mapping

Is it possible to map the following situation? A product class (currently a table) An account class (currently a table) An accountproduct class (currently a join table but with additional information related to a specific product and account) What I'd ideally like is accountproduct to extend product and to be available from account a...