



Are there any good libraries (preferably with commented source) for standard datastructures (Linked list, array list, queue, stack etc.) for x86 (or others) in Assembler ? I don't like to reinvent (and debug !) the wheel....

+1  A: 

Why not just find a good C library and call it from your asm?

Or if you need "inline" functionality:

  • Compile the functions you want to use into a Hello World program.
  • Disassemble the program.
  • Rewrite the assembly as asm/pre-processor macros.

You'd be best asking in one of the Assembler-specific groups rather than here. Try:

Google said there were some data structures demo-ed on Microsoft's MASM Samples page, but I didn't go hunting.

Another possibility is to check out HLA, the High Level Assembly Language. The blurb there is, in part,

Now you can enjoy all of the benefits of high-level and low-level languages, all rolled into a single language! HLA, the High-Level Assembler lets you write true low-level code while enjoying the benefits of high-level language programming. Don't let the name fool you; you can do anything with HLA that you can do with a traditional low-level assembler. All the same instructions are present, all the same low-level programming facilities are present. The difference between HLA and low-level assemblers is that you're not stuck using low-level programming paradigms when they're not needed. Watch your productivity soar when using HLA; and write far more efficient programs than you could using high-level languages.

IIRC, their support for data structures is quite good.
