Hi ,
How can I calculate coordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2) values for linearGradient SVG element with different angles?. Need to achieve rotation of gradient.
Any help much appreciated,
Thanks SHAN
Hi ,
How can I calculate coordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2) values for linearGradient SVG element with different angles?. Need to achieve rotation of gradient.
Any help much appreciated,
Thanks SHAN
You can use gradientTransform="rotate(angle [cx cy])"
or you can calculate the angle you want and tweak the gradient vector (x1,y1)->(x2,y2).
Thanks for your reply Erik, I've tried already with gradietTransform attribute but no success yet, I have an angle but I don't know how to tweak gradient vector for that value, can you explain me about this.