



To 'build and go' on the simulator takes about 30 seconds

To 'build and go' on the device takes about 5 mins.

I am 99% sure the reason is that I have lot of images (~4000 ~80mb).

The build itself stage takes about 2 seconds, so the problem is the install.

Does anyone have any tips to speed it up? The images do not need to be changed, so is it possible to tell xcode not to copy the images each time? Or could something else be slowing it down?


+3  A: 

Xcode apparently supports incremental updates, which is why sometimes "build and go" doesn't do a complete app update (it's very annoying).

The easiest thing might be to "install" things into Documents or similar, which is persisted across app updates. Hopefully it moves the files instead of copying.

Good suggestion. Copying to the Documents directory would speed things up for development. Quite a bit of hassle though, I wish there was a simple solution...
+1  A: 
Daniel Blezek