



Hi all,

I've recently started using Boost.Asio in a project and would like to know whether anyone knows a clean solution to transfer ownership of a newly created socket to tcp::acceptor::async_accept, which would in turn transfer this ownership to the accept handler function.

This isn't an incoherent desire, mind you, since the handler is to be called exactly once.

I have noticed I can't std::bind() an std::unique_ptr<> as parameter, since std::bind() requires its parameters to be CopyConstructible, and rightfully so. Not only that, but Boost's AcceptHandler concept is also required to be CopyConstructible.

So my options would be:

  • Go the deprecated std::auto_ptr<> way of moving objects with the copy constructor, potentially causing obscure bugs on new releases of Boost.Asio.
  • Use std::shared_ptr<> and have no way to take the shared ownership off the pointer once it's not needed anymore, i.e. when it reaches the actual handler function (this is how the job is done on the examples at as far as I've read).


  • You have a better idea for me.

I'm pretty much at a loss here. Can anyone enlighten me?