Using foundation and cocoa frameworks on Mac, I am trying to convert an NSData object in humanly understandable number. Let say the NSData object is an image of NPIXEL. I know the binary data are coded in big endian and represent 32 bit integer (to be more precise 32 bit two complements integer). I write the piece of code bellow to convert the NSData into an int array. But the value I got are completely wrong (this does not means the measurement are bad, I used a special software to read the data and the value given by the software are different from the one I got with my code).
-(int *) GetArrayOfLongInt
//Get the total number of element into the Array
int Nelements=[self NPIXEL];
int array[Nelements];
int32_t intValue;
int32_t swappedValue;
double Value;
int Nbit = abs(BITPIX)*GCOUNT*(PCOUNT + Nelements); Nbit/=sizeof(int32_t);
int i=0;
int step=sizeof(int32_t);
for(int bit=0; bit < Nbit; bit+=step)
[Img getBytes:&swappedValue range:NSMakeRange(bit,step)];
intValue= NSSwapBigIntToHost(swappedValue);
return array;
This piece of code (with minor change) work perfectly when the binary data represent float or double, but I dont when it is 16,32 or 64 bit integer. I also tried changing
NSSwapLittleInttoHost`. I even tried with long, but the results is still the same, I got bad values. What wrong I am doing ?
PS: Some of the variable in my code are already set elsewhere in my program. BITPIX is the bit size of each pixel. In this case 32. GCOUNT is equal to 1, PCOUNT 0 and Nelements is the total number of pixel I should have in my image.