The input is string[] like below.
"CSE111: CSE110 MATH101"
I need to order the strings based on some logic. For example my output should be a string[]
My question is
- While scanning through the input array, if one string is picked to be the first string of the output array, then how do I skip all occurrences of that particular string, while I continue to process the
for the second output string etc..
"CSE111: CSE110 MATH101"
If CSE110 is picked to be the first string in the output, then when I scan through the input string[] for the second string to be a part of output, I should not consider CSE110.
How can I achieve this? The answer I am looking forward to is something like:
- Store the input in a string[]
- loop through the strings one by one using strtok or stringstream >> operator.
- Once the first string is found ...blah blah blah ....
Hope my question is clear enough. I will be glad to provide more details.
Edit1:More Explanation
The strings represent the order in which the classes need to taken . If a class has pre-requisite , the pre-requisite has to be taken first. ie. if Input is
"CSE111: CSE110 MATH101"
The class CSE111 has a pre-requisite of CSE110 MATH101 . So I need to consider first CSE1110(No Pre-requisite) - MATH101((No Pre-requisite) and then CSE111 . (Further Ties can broken in alphabetical order. ) I hope this helps..