



This is sort of a generic question due to my lack of experience with fonts, so a little patience and/or pointing in the right direction to get more info would be appreciated. I have an iphone app and am noticing that when I print some text on my labels, I end up with garbage when the string contains non-ascii, like Korean for example.

My guess is that since my UILabels, for instance, are using the system font, perhaps the system font does not support displaying wide characters. However, I'm left with a few beginner questions:

1) How do I set the system font so my iphone sdk objects that use the system font use it?

2) Does this sound correct that the system font probably doesn't support wide characters and is the reason I see garbage when I have characters out of the normal ascii range?

Thanks. Let me know if I need to clarify the problem please.

Update: I later suspected maybe it was a problem on my server end so posted this related but not identical post here:


It turns out the problem was not with the font, but with improperly encoding the data response from the server into Ascii when I should have used UTF8. It appears the font supported unicode to begin with.
