



I've been searching msdn forever now without a straight answer.

Is there a way to simply get the user's language? I don't want to load any resources or anything at this point, I just want to get their language. Is there ANY simple way to do this?

I'm using visual C++,and I'm not using MFC or anything like that.

Thanks in advance!

+1  A: 

What about GetUserDefaultUILanguage?

Word of caution: Never mistake the user's locale for their UI language. There are already enough broken applications out there.

What's the difference?
The *locale* governs things like how numbers and dates are formatted, what collation is used for string sorting and the like. The *UI language* obviously just specifies what language the user interface is displayed in. Those two things are separate concepts since Windows 2000 on Windows and should be treated like that. I for example use a German locale (customized to use a sane date format [ISO 8601]) and an English UI language (so that I don't have to put up with idiotic translations).
Considering that you tagged the question with `MUI` I assumed you'd be aware of the difference, though.
What's the difference between GetUserDefaultUILanguage and GetUserDefaultLangID?

GetUserDefaultLangID may be what you're after. Then again, you may really be after GetUserPreferredUILanguages.

Jerry Coffin

GetUserDefaultLCID or GetUserDefaultLocaleName on Vista will return the LCID/locale name of the user's default locale.

You can then use GetLocaleInfo or GetLocaleInfoEx on Vista to get the display name of the locale (either LOCALE_SENGLISHDISPLAYNAME for the english name or LOCALE_SLOCALIZEDDISPLAYNAME for the localized name).

Dean Harding
That's the locale. Not the language.