I'm building a management system for an idea I have. I'm well versed in PHP (at least enough to do everything I need to do) but I'm not that experienced with using OOP. I use it as much as I can but a lot of the best practices I'm not familiar with so when I do things I worry I'm doing them in the wrong order.
For this project I have a class for the thing the user is managing, I need to check whether or not the user has permissions to manage it. I know how to check the permissions, my question is: where should I be doing it?
Should I be doing it outside the class, like so:
if user permissions are valid
initialize class
else return error
or should I be doing
initialize class
class checks permissions
class returns error if permissions are invalid
I'm unsure which is the correct approach. On the one hand checking within the class seems the best based on what I know of OOP methodology, but then I also have the feeling that letting it get as far as initializing the class when permissions are unknown might be bad.
How should I be doing it? If there's any sort of article that covers this sort of thing a link would be greatly appreciated (I can't find anything through searches but I'm not 100% sure if I'm searching for the right thing as I know little of OOP)