I have some code to interface Python to C++ which works fine but every time I look at it I think there must be a better way to do it. On the C++ side there is a 'variant' type that can deal with a fixed range of basic types - int, real, string, vector of variants, etc. I have some code using the Python API to convert from the equivalent Python types. It looks something like this:
variant makeVariant(PyObject* value)
if (PyString_Check(value)) {
return PyString_AsString(value);
else if (value == Py_None) {
return variant();
else if (PyBool_Check(value)) {
return value == Py_True;
else if (PyInt_Check(value)) {
return PyInt_AsLong(value);
else if (PyFloat_Check(value)) {
return PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
// ... etc
The problem is the chained if-else ifs. It seems to be calling out for a switch statement, or a table or map of creation functions which is keyed by a type identifier. In other words I want to be able to write something like:
return createFunMap[typeID(value)](value);
Based on a skim of the API docs it wasn't obvious what the best way is to get the 'typeID' here directly. I see I can do something like this:
PyTypeObject* type = value->ob_type;
This apparently gets me quickly to the type information but what is the cleanest way to use that to relate to the limited set of types I am interested in?