


 <div id="notifydaydiv" name="notifydaydiv" style="display:none; padding-left:50px">
 <input name="notifyday" type="checkbox" value="wed" /> Wednesday <br />
 <input name="notifyday" type="checkbox" value="thu" /> Thursday <br />
 <span style="color:red; font-size:7pt;">Recommended</span><br />
 <input name="notifyday" type="checkbox" value="fri" checked="checked"/> Friday 
 <div id="day_err"></div>
  [ set which checkbox is checked based on the value attr ]
+2  A: 
$(":checkbox[value='wed']").attr('checked', 'checked');

For more information, see the JQuery API.

Deniz Dogan

You can find and check it using the attribute-equals selector, like this:

$(":checkbox[value='wed']").attr('checked', true);

You can also use name in there if needed, like this:

$(":checkbox[name='notifyday'][value='wed']").attr('checked', true);
Nick Craver
Beat you by five very solid seconds...!
Deniz Dogan
@Deniz - Almost ;) You should use `true` or `false` here, that's the way it's normalized, e.g. `.att('checked') === true` :)
Nick Craver
@Nick: Did not know that. Where can I read about it?
Deniz Dogan
@Deniz - Not sure actually, something you learn along the way I guess. No specifics in the [docs](, just this: **Cross-browser consistency:** Some attributes have inconsistent naming from browser to browser. Furthermore, the values of some attributes are reported inconsistently across browsers, and even across versions of a single browser. The `.attr()` method reduces such inconsistencies.
Nick Craver
I like the use of name here. Seems more clear. So Deniz you're saying it should look like this: $(":checkbox[name='notifyday'][value='wed']").attr('checked') === true ??
@isuelt - `.attr('checked')` *gets* the value, it would be `true` if checked, `false` if not, but you can also use that to *set* the value, e.g. `.attr('checked', true)` to check or `.attr('checked', false)` to uncheck.
Nick Craver
Awesome. Thanks!
   $(":checkbox[value='wed']").attr('checked', 'checked');

Make sure that the page is loaded before you try and check the checkbox.

runxc1 Bret Ferrier