I need to fit some points from different datasets with straight lines. From every dataset I want to fit a line. So I got the parameters ai and bi that describe the i-line: ai + bi*x. The problem is that I want to impose that every ai are equal because I want the same intercepta. I found a tutorial here: http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/FittingData#head-a44b49d57cf0165300f765e8f1b011876776502f. The difference is that I don't know a priopri how many dataset I have. My code is this:
from numpy import *
from scipy import optimize
# here I have 3 dataset, but in general I don't know how many dataset are they
ypoints = [array([0, 2.1, 2.4]), # first dataset, 3 points
array([0.1, 2.1, 2.9]), # second dataset
array([-0.1, 1.4])] # only 2 points
xpoints = [array([0, 2, 2.5]), # first dataset
array([0, 2, 3]), # second, also x coordinates are different
array([0, 1.5])] # the first coordinate is always 0
fitfunc = lambda a, b, x: a + b * x
errfunc = lambda p, xs, ys: array([ yi - fitfunc(p[0], p[i+1], xi)
for i, (xi,yi) in enumerate(zip(xs, ys)) ])
p_arrays = [r_[0.]] * len(xpoints)
pinit = r_[[ypoints[0][0]] + p_arrays]
fit_parameters, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit, args = (xpoints, ypoints))
I got
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "prova.py", line 19, in <module>
fit_parameters, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit, args = (xpoints, ypoints))
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/scipy/optimize/minpack.py", line 266, in leastsq
m = check_func(func,x0,args,n)[0]
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/scipy/optimize/minpack.py", line 12, in check_func
res = atleast_1d(thefunc(*((x0[:numinputs],)+args)))
File "prova.py", line 14, in <lambda>
for i, (xi,yi) in enumerate(zip(xs, ys)) ])
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.