I'm looking into Delphi ITE (Integrated Translation Environment) to add multi-language support in my app. I'm concerned about validity issues for resource DLLs, which is generated by ITE. In other words, when it is safe to deploy already compiled resource DLL, if main application was recompiled or (possibly) changed.
- If I just rebuild main/host project multiply times without changing - can IDs of strings change? Will I need to invoke "Update localized projects"?
- If I change (and recompile) main project, but without changing resourcestrings and DFMs - can IDs of strings change? Will I need to invoke "Update localized projects"?
- If I change main project by adding or removing resourcestrings and/or DFMs - can IDs of strings change? Will I need to invoke "Update localized projects"?
Main reason for this question is that I want to know if it is safe to ship old translations with new updated version of my software. It would be really painfull to keep zillions of versions of resource DLLs for each version of software.
Second reason for this question: it seems that there is a bug in Delphi ITE, as highlighted in this question.