In advance, please excuse my lack of understanding for iPhone/Objective-C Best Practices; I come from a .NET/C# background.
Although, I've read many posts regarding exception handling for the iPhone, I'm still not exactly clear on what most people do for production code. Also, I haven't been able to find any open source apps with error handling that I would normally expect. Here are my questions:
1) If an unexpected result occurs that would cause the application to eventually fail, would you throw an exception or just wait for it to fail later? For example,
if (![fileManager createDirectoryAtPath: myNewDir
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: &myError]) {
// My app shouldn't continue. Should I raise an exception?
// Or should I just log it and then wait for it to crash later?
2) Do you validate parameters? For example, in C# I would usually check for null, and if needed throw an ArgumentNullException.
3) When an app crashes, does the crash info get logged automatically or do I need to set the unhandled exception handler? Can I show a UIAlertView within this method to inform the user something bad happened, instead of having the app just disappear? (If so, I couldn't get it to work.)
4) And finally, why don't I see anyone actually using @try/@catch/@finally? It's used extensively in C#, but I haven't found open source apps using it. (Maybe I'm just looking at the wrong apps.)
Thank you so much. And sample code is much appreciated!