I have done all this modification to setup monit and delayed_job.
I have create one file delayed_job.monitrc in my app/current/config.
check process delayed_job
with pidfile /home/sysadmin/app/current/shared/pids/delayed_job.pid
start program = "/usr/bin/env RAILS_ENV=production /home/sysadmin/app/current/script/delayed_job start"
stop program = "/usr/bin/env RAILS_ENV=production /home/sysadmin/app/current/script/delayed_job stop"
In /etc/monit/monitrc
I have include
include /home/sysadmin/app/current/config/delayed_job
When i am starting monit server with /etc/init.d/monit start it's not starting delayed_job server. Nothing is appearing in my delayed_job.log file. Is there anything else i need to modified to work monit and delayed_job.