
Monit Daemon: Apache-Status connection failure

I'm setting up a cluster of servers for the company I work at, and I'm using Monit to monitor that all server processes are running and working as they should. For Apache monitoring, I wanna use the mod_status feature which is explained here. However, this has turned out quite difficult. As no matter how I configure both Monit and Apach...

God vs. Monit

Which one to use for process monitoring and why? ...

How to monitor delayed_job with monit

Are there any examples on the web of how to monitor delayed_job with Monit? Everything I can find uses God, but I refuse to use God since long running processes in Ruby generally suck. (The most current post in the God mailing list? God Memory Usage Grows Steadily.) Update: delayed_job now comes with a sample monit config based on thi...

Monit XMPP notifications

Is there any way to tell Monit to send XMPP notifications as well as emails on alerts? ...

Workling processes multiplying uncontrolably

Hello there. We have a rails app running on passenger and we background process some tasks using a combination of RabbitMQ and Workling. The workling's worker process is started using the script/workling_client command. There is always only one worker process started, and the script/workling_client has a :multiple => false options, thus ...

Delayed::Job, Monit and Memory Error

So I've had Delayed::Job running swimmingly in production for a while. Whenever i'd make a change to a job I would (all in the production env mind you) restart delayed job using the [script]( i used clear the jobs using `rake jobs:clear` Also, i have monit runn...

How do I setup a monit script to check if a directory exists and create it if it doesn't

In the monit documentation I can see there is a check directory command but I can't see any examples of how to use it to see if the directory exists and if it doesn't to create the directory using the mkdir command. ...

monit with delayed_job.

if my delayed_job server broke than monit will automatically restart the delayed_job server again or not? ...

monit with delayed_job set up.

I have done all this modification to setup monit and delayed_job. I have create one file delayed_job.monitrc in my app/current/config. delayed_job.monitrc check process delayed_job with pidfile /home/sysadmin/app/current/shared/pids/ start program = "/usr/bin/env RAILS_ENV=production /home/sysadmin/app/current/scrip...

Debugging monit

I find debugging monit to be a major pain. Monit's shell environment basically has nothing in it (no paths or other environment variables). Also, there is no log file that I can find. The problem is, if the start or stop command in the monit script fails, it is difficult to discern what is wrong with it. Often times it is not as simple ...

Terminal says delayed_job starting, but not doing anything

I have an app that works perfectly on my local machine and am deploying it now. I have the VPS all set up and it pretty much works, as well. My problem comes from not being able to start delayed_job. I do the "ruby script/delayed_job start RAILS_ENV=production" while SSHd to the app and it returns "delayed_job: process with pid 11547 sta...

Unable to monitor sites behind http-basic-auth with monit

Hi, We have few sites on a Unix server that we monitor using monit. All sites are monitored correctly except for 2 that require http-basic-auth. I have passed the credentials in the URL like below as suggested by the monit 4.8.1 documentation: check host aHost with address anIPAddress if failed url http://username:password@anIPAdd...

Rolling restart of process group in monit

Does anyone have any suggestions of how I might go about achieving a rolling restart of a process group using monit? Thanks in advance, fturtle ...