



Hello i have a maybe easy question but i cant handle it yet.

  • I have a Modelclass 'Location' which holds an Array with Category ID's (12, 23, 56).
  • Then i have an Array with all available Category ID's (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,...)
  • All this Categories have an ID are shown in a TableView and are able to select or not.
  • I show a punch of Markers on a MapView (Annotation Class is Location) which should be shown based on the selection of the filters in the mentioned Filter TableView.

I need to implement a "Filter by Category" function which removes all markers and add them again but just based on the selection in the list.

So i need to compare the array with the filter-id's in the Location Model with the Array with all the Filter-ID's in the TableView. i used the following function for this:

for (Location *currLocation in arrListOfLocationsNearby) {

for (NSString *currKatId in currLocation.arrKatIds) {

NSInteger intCurrKatId = [currKatId integerValue];
NSLog(@"Current KatId %@ id: %d \n", currLocation.strAdr, intCurrKatId);

for (Filter *currFilter in [SDM getSharedDataManager].arrListOfFilterOptions) {

 if (currFilter.isSelected) {

  NSInteger intCurrFilterId = [currFilter.strAtt_id intValue];
  NSLog(@"Current Filter %@ id: %d \n", currFilter.strAtt_text, intCurrFilterId);

  if ([currKatId intValue] == [currFilter.strAtt_id intValue]) {
   currLocation.isVisible = YES;
  }else {
   currLocation.isVisible = NO;

} }

I know this will be the most ineffective way to loop through everything. I want to use somehow NSPredicate for this but i never used them before and i can't find examples for my problem.

Any Hints from you guys?

regards m.


Try having a string representation of each test:

NSArray *arrayOfPredicateStrings = ;// array of all tests, probably [SDM sharedDataManager].arrListOfFilterOptions

NSPredicate *enabled = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"isSelected == true"];

NSArray *arrayOfEnabledPredicateStrings = 
        [arrayOfPredicateStrings filteredArrayUsingPredicate:enabled];

NSMutableString *formatString;
BOOL firstTime = YES;
for (NSString *string in arrayOfEnabledPredicateStrings) { 
    // Concatinate strings with OR inbetween
    if (firstTime) {
        firstTime = NO;
        formatString = [string mutableCopy];
    } else {
        [formatString appendFormat:@" OR %@", string]; 
} // formatString should look something like @"ivar1 >= 1 OR ivar2 == true OR ivar3 != \"Hello, World\""
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:string];

NSArray *arrListOfLocationsNearby; // assume already filled

NSArray *suitableNearbyLocations = 
        [arrListOfLocationsNearby filteredArrayUsingPrediacate:predicate];

If a CoreData data store is behind your SDM class, just create a fetch request like so:

NSPredicate *predicate = ;// get the predicate as above
NSManagedObjectContext  *context = ;// a managed object context
NSEntityDescription *entity = 
        [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"entityName" inManagedObjectContext:context];

NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
request.entity = entity;
request.predicate = predicate;

NSError *error;
NSArray *results = [context executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
[request release];

Predicate format syntax can be found here and usage can be found here


So each "Location" object has many "categoryIDs"? And you want to show any of the Location objects that have a categoryID inside your "arrayOfEnabledCategoryIDs"?

Assuming that you have a Location entity and a CategoryID entity, and that there's a many-to-many relationship (locations <<--->> categories) between them, you can do this:

NSArray * arrayOfEnabledCategoryIDs = ...; //these are the categories to display
NSFetchRequest * f = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
[f setEntity:theEntityDescriptionForLocationObjects];
[f setPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"ANY categories.categoryID IN %@", arrayOfEnabledCategoryIDs]];
Dave DeLong

If you are familiar with ActiveRecord from Ruby On Rails. I've been using a great library called activerecord+fetching+for+core you can find more about it here

NSArray *departments = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:dept1, dept2, ..., nil];
NSPredicate *peopleFilter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"Department IN %@", departments];

NSArray *people = [Person findAllWithPredicate:peopleFilter];

It has really cleaned up my code.
