



I'm starting out with Linq To SQL, fiddling around with Linqpad and I'm trying to duplicate a SQL script which joins on tables in separate databases on the same server (SQL Server 2008).

The TSQL query looks approximately like this:

using MainDatabase

insert Event_Type(code, description)

select distinct t1.code_id, t2.desc

from t1
     left join OtherDatabase..lookup t2 on t1.key_id = t2.key_id and t2.category = 'Action 7'

where t2.desc is not null

I'm basically trying to figure out how to do a cross-database insertion. Is this possible with Linq To SQL (and is it possible in Linqpad?)


Use linked servers with fully qualified names to query another database from the current DB. That should work.

using MainDatabase 

insert Event_Type(code, description) 

select distinct t1.code_id, t2.desc 

from <Linked_Server> t1 
     left join <Linked_Server>.OtherDatabase..lookup t2 on t1.key_id = t2.key_id and t2.category = 'Action 7' 

where t2.desc is not null 
I don't understand. The databases are on the same server.
Factor Mystic
Oh my bad ! Yes that shud work too !
This is SQL syntax, though, how can it be done in Linq is the question...
Factor Mystic
+1  A: 

This is possible in LINQ to SQL if you create a (single) typed DataContext that contains table classes for objects in both databases. This designer won't help you here, so you have to create some of the table classes manually. In other words, use the VS designer to create a typed DataContext for your primary database, then manually add classes for the tables in the other database that you wish to access:

[Table (Name = "OtherDatabase.dbo.lookup")]
public class Lookup

Right now LINQPad doesn't let you query across multiple databases "out of the box" - this is a requested feature. However, if you write a typed DataContext in VS as described above, you can query it in LINQPad as follows:

  1. Click 'Add Connection'
  2. Click 'Use a typed DataContext from your own assembly'
  3. Enter the details of your assembly and connection in the next screen.

Your custom DataContext will then show in the schema explorer and you'll be able to interactively query it.

Joe Albahari
So I'd need to create a single assembly, that contains one DataContext class for each table. That assembly would have these DataContext classes for each database I need to access. And this process to generate this assembly must be done manually. Ugh. What about when the databases have tables with identical names?
Factor Mystic
No - the assembly should contain a SINGLE DataContext that contains the tables you wish to access from both databases. If there's a name collision, give one of the table classes a different name - this won't matter as long as as you've correctly applied the Table attribute.
Joe Albahari