




I have an abstract class vertex which represents an n-tuple. The element of the vertex can be of any type: ie, the vertice's components could be of type int, int, float or something. Because the vertex can have an arbitrary number of dimensions, I was thinking of making the class have a component setter like so:

class vertex {
        template <class T>
        virtual void setComp(int componentnumber, T value) = 0;

Of course, C++ doesn't permit virtual function templates. So: how should I be doing this? I also don't know how I should be writing a getter for vertices.



That's a very weird mix of OO and generic programming. I think you should pick one or the other.

Make the vertex class a template or define a base class for the 'value' parameter and derive custom type handler classes.


Use polymorphism instead of templates.

Or limit the types you want to pass, and make overloads. And increase maintenance costs.

Implementing these solutions would involve boost::any or boost::variant to save you some time.

Alexandre C.

Because the vertex can have an arbitrary number of dimensions - wht not make it a

template<size_t N> class vector {

     boost::any elems[N];

then to avoid mixing runtime polymorphism and compile time polymorphism through templates? Or use function overloads for any possible type if their number is limited.

virtual void setComp(int, float) = 0;
virtual void setComp(int, bool) = 0;
Alexander Gessler
I recall having wanted a design like this, and then crying about why didn't I simply made n a member variable...
Alexandre C.

First of all, I'd ask myself if you really need to access vertex objects polymorphically at runtime. For instance if you need to be able to have a list of vertex* objects with different types (double, int etc.) and access them polymorphically.

It sounds to me like a vertex is a typical case of compile-time polymorphism (i.e. a template <typename CoordinateType> class vertex; template).

Frerich Raabe
I would even go with a simple array<T> or equivalent, but the question was about virtual templates, not whether such design is good.
Alexandre C.
+1  A: 

Well, normally, you're supposed to have the vertex type as a template parameter so it can be stored properly:

template<typename T, size_t NumAxes = 3>
class vertex {
        T comp[NumAxes];

In which case, there's no need for a virtual method since you can just use C++'s typecasting to do the work:

template<typename T, size_t NumAxes = 3>
class vertex {
    template <typename U>
    void setComp(size_t index, U value) { comp[index] = static_cast<T>(value); }
    T comp[NumAxes];

Now, if you want it to be virtual because you want subclasses to be able to mess with things (e.g. log every change in value), you need to define a non-templated function:

template<typename T, size_t NumAxes = 3>
class vertex {
    template <typename U>
    void setComp(size_t index, U value)
    { _setComp(index, static_cast<T>(value)); }
    T comp[NumAxes];
    virtual void _setComp(size_t index, T value) 
    { comp[index] = value; }

template<typename T, size_t NumAxes = 3>
class logged_vertex: public vertex<T, NumAxes> {
    virtual void _setComp(size_t index, T value);

template<typename T, size_t NumAxes = 3>
void logged_vertex<T, NumAxes>::_setComp(size_t index, T value)
{   cout << "Index " << index << " changed from " << comp[index];
    vertex<T, NumAxes>::_setComp(index, value);
    cout << " to " << comp[index] << endl;
Mike DeSimone