I have a text file with several strings of hex in it:
I would like to store these in the database as a bytea, instead of a varchar. That is, I would like the database to store 01 as the single byte 00000001, not characters '0' & '1'.
I can easily run this file through sed to format/escape it any way I need to.
This is what I have tried:
create table mytable (testcol BYTEA);
This works:
insert into mytable (testcol) values (E'\x7f\x7f');
However, as soon as I have a byte that goes above \x7f, I get this error:
insert into mytable (testcol) values (E'\x7f\x80');
ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x80
Any ideas, or am I approaching things wrong?