




Seems like this should be super-simple but looking around for a simple (or half-way straightforward) solution seems impossible:

Say I add a bunch of files to a Git project. "git status" now says:

# On branch master  
# Untracked files:  
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)  
#   Classes/FileA.h  
#   Classes/FileA.m  
#   Classes/FileB.h  
#   Classes/FileB.m  
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)  

I then decide I want to discard these files and get back to my original status within the project. Do I have to delete each file before proceeding?!!

I've tried:

git checkout master  

which gives "Already on 'master'" and

git reset --hard HEAD

but my added files are still there for both methods.

I've been through the entire Git tutorial (http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gittutorial.html) plus various man pages.

Why is this so difficult to do?!!

+2  A: 
git clean

should do the trick. By default, this requires the -f flag to really do anything.

git 'clean' ? Wow, I didnt know that. Thanks!
Neither did I; I just googled it using "git delete untracked files" ;) First rule of git: if you can think of it, git can do it.