I've got an Erlang snippet here that I'd like to work into more idiomatic Erlang, rather than a crude Python translation.
Process takes a pairs of congruent lists and combines them. Some of the elements need to be taken from one lists or the other, based on their properties, while the rest of the elements need to be summed. It works properly, but I get the feeling it's not idiomatic...
Process = fun([RockA, FishA, TreeA, BarkA, DogA, CowA, MooA, MilkA, CheeseA, BreadA, WineA, GrapesA], [RockB, FishB, TreeB, BarkB, DogB, CowB, MooB, MilkB, CheeseB, BreadB, WineB, GrapesB]) ->
RockA /= [0,0,0] ->
NewRock = RockA,
NewFish = FishA,
NewTree = TreeA,
NewBark = BarkA,
NewDog = DogA;
true ->
NewRock = RockB,
NewFish = FishB,
NewTree = TreeB,
NewBark = BarkB,
NewDog = DogB
CowA > CowB ->
NewCow = CowA;
true ->
NewCow = CowB
NewMoo = MooA + MooB,
NewMilk = MilkA + MilkB,
NewCheese = CheeseA + CheeseB,
NewBread = BreadA + BreadB,
NewWine = WineA + WineB,
NewGrapes = GrapesA + GrapesB,
[NewRock, NewFish, NewTree, NewBark, NewDog, NewMoo, NewMilk, NewCheese, NewBread, NewWine, NewGrapes];
(_,_) ->