



Hi, I am using Sharepoint Designer 2010 and in there am trying to build an aspx wiki page with dataviewwebpart which will display a list. In this view I wish to have a button against each list item which would trigger a workflow for that list item. Upon searching I got to gather that I need to pass the list item id as a workflow parameter. This link talks about achieving that by modifying the onclick event js of the button.

Workflow parameter name is MachineID

The javascript generated for my form action control is


and to accommodate it to pass the workflow variable the site said to modify it this way

javascript:{ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('__workflowStart={{FBE64AF7-5A72-43E0-8339-293FD3ADFD37},New,{66402E3B-C94E-4E6F-9936-10E596CC5795},MachineID=',@ID, '};'))}

but as the parameter New,{66402E3B-C94E-4E6F-9936-10E596CC5795} is unknown to me and also didn’t get generated for me, I used the following JS.

javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('__workflowStart={{FBE64AF7-5A72-43E0-8339-293FD3ADFD37},MachineID=',@ID, '};'))} 

but this doesn’t trigger the workflow.What am i doing wrong?