I am developing web application using JSF richfaces.I have one rich:modalpanel in main templete. This modalPanel have 'Your request is processing....." message.
I want to show this message(modalPanel) every action(ajax request). But without using a4j:status element.
Is there possible to acheive this(using listener or any otherway)?
How to show the wait modalPanel for all action using listener?
Help me about this. Thanks in advance.
Update :
If i use my main templete,
<a4j:status id="waittingMessage"
And i call the above a4j:status for the following places : The following each and every component i use more than 100 place in my application
<a4j:commandButton status="waittingMessage"/>
<a4j:commandLink status="waittingMessage"/>
<h:selectOneMenu><a4j:support status="waittingMessage"/> </h:selectOneMenu>
<h:selectOneRadio><a4j:support status="waittingmessage"/></h:selectOneRadio>
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox><a4j:support status="waittingmessage"/></h:selectBooleanCheckbox>
In future,
i don't need to show the progressWaitModalPanel, that time i will delete a4j:status
in main templete.
But what about this status="waittingMessage"? Because this status="waittingmessage" i added more than 1000 places in my whole application.