I'm using SimpleXMLElement to read xml returned from a remote server. The results are then parsed with xpath like this:
$result = <<<XML
<DataImport2Result xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://www.xxx.xxx/Services/DataImport2">
<Number />
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($result);
$xml->registerXPathNamespace("data", array_pop($xml->getNamespaces()));
foreach($xml->xpath("//data:Code[.='Fbf']/..") as $block) {
foreach($block[0]->Fields->Field as $field) {
echo "Code: ". $field->Code ."\n"; // SHould return FinnsIFbf
The $result is an Array with SimpleXMLElement objects. The actual error occurs when trying to use $block[0]->Fields(SimpleXMLElement object) as an array. So the results are there. It's iterating that is the problem.
This works just fine in PHP 5.3.2, but on the server which is running 5.1.6 it fails with:
Fatal error: Objects used as arrays in post/pre increment/decrement must return values by reference
What's the simplest way to fix this without upgrading the server version (server admin thinks its "unstable" with a newer version)?
One solution could be if I could make the xpath return the Field in the first $result, so I wont have to iterate the $block[0]->Fields->Field
but I failed to make such an xpath expression.