Hi! I have a problem with Carbide C++. I'm trying to use function from Nokia Forum to read xml files. So I found this article: http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/How_to_parse_XML_file_using_CParser_class and I've created a XmlHandle.h and XmlHandle.cpp files.
But I don't know how I can use this.
I try something like this:
_LIT( KConfigFile, "config.xml" );
CXmlHandler* iXmlHandler;
iXmlHandler = CXmlHandler::NewL();
TFileName fileName;
fileName.Append( KConfigFile );
iXmlHandler->StartParsingWithAoL( fileName );
But when I try to compile project I am receiving this error:
No source available for "0x2539636( ekern.exe )() "
Thread myProject::myProject Panic ALLOC: 3bcb1558
Can someone tell me what can I do? Thanks.