I am retrieving a list of objects from json url and displaying it like a list by adding a label field and a seperator. Now, i want to make each label clickable so that each label redirects to a seperate url. On clicking the label a seperate screen must open with the json data of the corresponding url. So, can anyone tell me how to achieve this. I wil be really grateful if i get some sample code of how to do it... Here's some sample code that i have done...
public VerticalFieldManager showShoppingList(){
try {
jsArrShpList=new JSONArray(strShopping);
totalList= jsArrShpList.length();
for(int i=0;i<totalList;i++){
String strAlert=jsArrShpList.get(i).toString();
JSONObject joAlert=new JSONObject(strAlert);
String shoppingList = joAlert.get("CategoryName").toString();
LabelField shops = new LabelField(shoppingList);
VerticalFieldManager vfmListRow=new VerticalFieldManager();
vfmListRow.add(new SeparatorField());
return vfmShpList;