Hello everyone. I have run into this issue and have put some major time into finding the answer. I am somewhat new to objective c but not to programming.
Here is my question.
I have a plist file with this structure
root { A ( {songTitle : contents of song}, {songTitle : contents of song} ), B ( {songTitle : contents of song} ), C ( {songTitle : contents of song} ), ... kepps going }
Sorry if the the plist structure is not correct.
Pretty much I have a root dictionary (that is what it comes with) that contains an array of A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,...Z (alphabet)
Each letter of the alphabet array contains 1 or more dictionaries that have a key, value pair of songTitle (this could be any string) as the key and the song lyrics for the value.
My issue here is I need to create an array of all song titles and have been having a rough time trying to find out how to do this. I own 4 books on object c and none of them go into detail about multidimensional arrays and how to access pieces inside them.
I have created an array with all the letters and have created an array that contains the objects from each letter.
Like I stated before I need to find out how to make an array that contains each song title.
If you can help me that would save me a lot of time.
Thanks, Wes