



I have a table called "users" with following columns userid,name,gender,department,managerid....

I wanted to do this query but was having 2 issues
1. <> in line 4 is is causing problem, which is due to to the XML. I need to use but was not able to get things going even after some permutations.
2. the check department = 'engineering' needs to be done only if the map passed contains department. so this needs to be dynamic.

Can some one scribble as to how I could get this done in Ibatis. thanks for your help !!!

select * from users
where userid=#userid# 
and gender = 'm'
and (managerid ISNULL OR managerid <> #mgrid#)
and department = 'engineering'

I tried this but did not work ....any help??

<select id="getEmployees" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap" resultMap="empResultMap">
select * from users
where userid=#userid#
and gender = 'm'
and (managerid ISNULL OR managerid <> #mgrid#)
    <isNotEmpty property="mgrid">
        ( AND department = #mgrid# )
+1  A: 

I would try it like this:

<select id="getEmployees" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap" resultMap="empResultMap">
    select * from users
    where userid=#userid#
    and gender = 'm'
    and (managerid IS NULL OR managerid <> #mgrid#)
    <dynamic prepend="AND">
        <isNotEmpty property="mgrid">
            (department = #mgrid#)

Please note the syntax correction from "ISNULL" to "IS NULL". Good luck!

Cory Larson

Thanks Cory for the quick reply. You suggestion did work great.
Adding further to the same question, if I want to have multiple AND/OR in the dynamic tag, what should be the format.
I tried this but it did not work (especially when mgrid = "")

Once again thanks for the response.

<select id="getEmployees" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap" resultMap="empResultMap">
    select * from users
    where userid=#userid#
    and gender = 'm'
    and (managerid IS NULL OR managerid <> #mgrid#)
    <dynamic prepend="AND">
        <isNotEmpty property="mgrid">
            (department = #mgrid#)
        <isNotEmpty property="username" prepend="AND">
            (username = #uName#)
the above query worked!!
Just get rid of the "prepend" in the second <isNotEmpty>. By surrounding your comparison blocks with <dynamic>, it will automatically prepend "AND" to each match.
Cory Larson