




for example we have this xml:

                <c>another hello</c>

by Xpath query we can find all "B"-tags. But then we need to find all "C"-tags in every found "B"-tag. I wrote this code:

$dom = new DOMDocument();

$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$btags = $xpath->query("//b");

foreach ($btags as $b)
  $ctags = $xpath->query("/b/c", $b);
      foreach ($ctags as $c) {
        echo $c->nodeValue;


But it doesn't work. It possible to do this with XPath query's?


You're already at the 'b' element by the time you get to the second query. What your code is looking for is "//b/b/c". Try using just "/c" in the second query instead. You could also move this into one query with "//b/c" if you aren't looking to do anything with "b".

with `/c` doesn't work too :(doing all stuff with one query `//b/c` unfortunately not suitable for me, because i need to change "b", according to "c" values
You can always retrieve the parent node with '..' for the query, since XPath is pretty much literally like working with a filesystem path.
Marc B
+2  A: 

For your second XPath, try this instead: $ctags = $xpath->query("c", $b);

This second XPath is already relative to the 'b' node...if I'm not mistaken, relative pathing in PHP XPath statements requires that you omit the leading '/'.

Robert Hui
thanks a lot! thats is right query!