Hi, I would like to write a simple GUI application using C++ and wxWidgets. I'm wondering if there are any open source GUI applications using C++ and wxWidgets and tutorials for reference.
Hi, I would like to write a simple GUI application using C++ and wxWidgets. I'm wondering if there are any open source GUI applications using C++ and wxWidgets and tutorials for reference.
Google is nice. First hit: http://www.wxwidgets.org/docs/tutorials.htm
They've got little apps that they walk you through.
The wxWidgets documentation is good, from what I've seen.
Here's another tutorial that goes through the basic concepts and some slightly more advanced stuff: http://zetcode.com/tutorials/wxwidgetstutorial/
There's also a wiki for wxWidgets that has general info and links to documentation: http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Main_Page
I think he is after source of a program that uses wxWidgets rather than tutorials. Here is all of the projects on SF which use wxwidgets:
Out of them all i think CodeLite would be a good example for you to start with.
By far the best tools for designing GUIs I have ever worked with is wxSmith which is integrated with Code::Blocks. Easy and straight to the point.
NOTE: You need to compile wxWidgets and integrate it with Code::Blocks, which is done quite easily (many instructions available if some problem happens to arise).
If you are looking for specific examples, you can go to www.krugle.com or www.koders.com and get specific examples in open source projects. For instance, if you wanted to see an example of a wxDatePicker, you could search wxDatePicker and find all the open source projects that use it.
Hi, check these links, great and free tools to cross platform programming:
Very useful for beginner
wxWidgets GUI builder comparison on CodeBlocks website:
Free Open Source GUI builder:
wxSmith, wxFormBuilder, VisualWx, wxDevC++, wxGlade
wxForms, DialogBlocks, wxDesigner
Cross Platform IDE:
If you're just after a fairly simple little program that uses wxWidgets, to get an idea of what they look like, you're welcome to look at my little Birthday and Anniversary Reminder program, BDay.
It is open source, C++ and has instructions for compiling on both Linux and Windows. I used wxFormBuilder to generate the base GUI classes (the generated .h and .cpp files are included in the source to save hassle) and then use inheritance to add the required functionality on top. The GUI is comprised of three Frame windows and one Dialogue, plus some pretty heavy use of the wxDateTime class.
Audacity is a great example of a wxWidgets application. It was what originally got me interested in it.
Start with DialogBlocks, because it compiles for you the wx library according to your project config (debug/release, dll/lib, unicode/ansi, monolithic or not), it provides you a nice WYSIWYG interface. At first you'll have to understand the sizer layout basics, because just putting the elements in the window will be a pain to position them. To put in simple terms, put a sizer and it will calculate the position de elements inside it for you, even another sizers.
Later you can jump to wxFormBuilder. It's workflow is better to maintain and it's free. Basically you create a project and it will generate a cpp file for you containing only the window's layout. You'll create a class deriving from the one it created and put in it your code. It's better because this way you detach your code's intelligence from the window layout.
For samples, check out DialogBlock's sample projects. And you can (almost) always count on wxWidgets documentation.