



hello, I have some problems with the layout of my core plot graph. To be more precise, I have created a GraphViewController (.h, .m and associated nib file). In the nib file I have added another UIView. This embedded view will be used to set the graph (as I do not want it to use the whole view). I then need to create a hosting view  from this embedded view. The embedded view is named graphView, I first though I needed to get the frame representing the graphView and create the hostingView so the graph will fit in the graphView. When I use the:     CPHostingLayerView *hostingView = [[CPHostingLayerview alloc] initWithFrame: [graphView frame]] ...

it does not work as expected, the graph does not fit the view (it is bigger than the graphView I created in IB)

Hope I am clear :( Any idea would be more than welcome. thanks a lot, Luc


Hello, I finally find an answer :) Instead of adding an UIView within IB and programmatically create a CPLayerHostingView, I directly declared the view as an CPLayerHostingView in IB, that works perfectly. Regards, Luc
