I don't understand how the reallocation of memory for a struct allows me to insert a larger char array into my struct.
Struct definition:
typedef struct props
char northTexture[1];
char southTexture[1];
char eastTexture[1];
char westTexture[1];
char floorTexture[1];
char ceilingTexture[1];
void function SetNorthTexture( PROPDATA* propData, char* northTexture )
if( strlen( northTexture ) != strlen( propData->northTexture ) )
PROPDATA* propPtr = (PROPDATA*)realloc( propData, sizeof( PROPDATA ) +
sizeof( northTexture ) );
if( propPtr != NULL )
strcpy( propData->northTexture, northTexture );
strcpy( propData->northTexture, northTexture );
I have tested something similar to this and it appears to work, I just don't understand how it does work. Now I expect some people are thinking "just use a char*" but I can't for whatever reason. The string has to be stored in the struct itself.
My confusion comes from the fact that I haven't resized my struct for any specific purpose. I haven't somehow indicated that I want the extra space to be allocated to the north texture char array in that example. I imagine the extra bit of memory I allocated is used for actually storing the string, and somehow when I call strcpy, it realises there is not enough space...
Any explanations on how this works (or how this is flawed even) would be great.